Extensions to the fox in the forest
Extensions to the fox in the forest

extensions to the fox in the forest

Portuguese: Cachorro-do-mato, Fusquinho, Graxaim, Graxaim-do-mato, Guancito, Lobete, Lobinho, Mata Virgem, Rabo Fofo, Raposa, Raposão Justification Spanish Castilian: Perro Sabanero, Perro de Monte, Perro-zorro, Zorra Baya, Zorro, Zorro Cangrejero, Zorro Carbonero, Zorro Común, Zorro Patas Negras, Zorro Perruno, Zorro Sabanero, Zorro de Monte, Zorro-lobo, Zorro-perro Other Names English: Crab-eating Fox, Common Zorro, Crab-eating Zorro, Savannah Fox 2004 Status Survey & Convervation Action Plan - South America.2015 IUCN Red List Assessment - Crab-eating fox.Camera trapping as a method to estimate population abundance of mammals in temperate grasslands of northern Uruguay: density calculation models applied to carnivore species.Effect of climate change on carnivores in the Amazon.Investigation of neotropical helminthiasis and other parasites in the biotope of wild animals of the Misionera Forest, as potential foci of zoonoses.Population ecology of foxes in Mirador State Park, Brazil.Programa de conservação mamíferos do cerrado.

extensions to the fox in the forest extensions to the fox in the forest

Amazonian canids are similar to many carnivores worldwide whose long-term survival is threatened by a variety of direct and indirect threats, including habitat loss, expansion of hydroelectric dams, illegal hunting of prey, and diseases from domestic dogs. This working group is focused on four species: the short-eared dog, crab-eating fox, bush dog, and South American foxes. Amazonian Canids Working Group - Karen DeMatteo and Fernanda Michalski are the coordinators of the Amazonian Canids Working Group.

Extensions to the fox in the forest