Generally Gybing is easier with cammed sails when the sail is pulled tight. Dunno if i agree with the Bold statement abouve. Nothing you can't deal with later but unnecessarily annoying when all you want to do is get a good feel for sailing. There's a definite nuisance factor attached to them though - rigging, trying to grab the outhaul on the fly, finding all the spare outhaul line has accumulated on the other side of the booms just when you want it, getting the line in the way of your grip on the booms. You let it off when going slowly when starting or coming out of a gybe or when going fast off the wind or when the wind drops. You pull the tension on when you are going fast across the wind. However in principle the idea is to flatten the sail for high apparent wind and belly it out a bit for low apparent wind.

You should be sheeting in your sail through hooking in and using your body weight throught the harness not your back hand. If you are having trouble taking your back hand off ther boom while sailing to adjust your outhaul you need to move your harness line back a bit. By the sounds of it yours really gives you the sh%ts. Probalbly a beginner dosnt need to use one. In general I would defer to his advice, but I think he may have forgotten how frustrating windsurfing can be when you are a novice. I am an experienced but intermediate sailor. With a fixed outhaul you can still vary your outhaul if the wind picks up or drops, but you need to adjust your boom length to do it. I have only had adjustable outhaul since late last season, and I acknowledge I am still getting used to it, and I will persist because of the benefits to speed sailing, but I would not recommend it to a novice. Then there are the ropes getting wrapped around the boom arms, all the rope ending up on one side and not being able to adjust from the other, ropes becoming uncleated and giving you a totally slack sail, and then you need to have the confidence to actually let go of the boom with one hand to adjust when you are on the go.
Anita clew full#
I have the applecores but I still find it takes me much longer to rig using the adjustable outhaul - With a fixed system it is much easier to put on full outhaul to pop on the cams, and with the adjustable it takes me longer to work out what boom length to use. Pulling on/off a bit of outhaul when the wind picks up or drops is heaps easier than rigging another sail. get someone at your local beach to explain how simple they are to use and go for. All you do is loop two loops over your apple core (clew hole on sail)that you leave on the sail so it actually faster than rigging with a boom wth out one. Sorry Anita, IMHO its the complete oposite to what you think. Take them off and just use an outhaul rope through the clew end and use the clew pulleys. Adjustable outhaul kits make rigging a lot slower and as a novice they will get in the way.